Aloof / Austere / Sadistic / Vigilant

Everything that's passed
And all before me now
Leads to what I've become...

(This theme was made by the wonderful Damahysk. If you liked his work, please go and support him.)

Last edit: 4/28/2022

Known Information

Gemini is a noble resident of Ishgard. Though raised from a young age in the city-state's posh ways and cultures, the life of being a lady or knight wasn't appealing to her own pursuits, and so she left to traverse the rest of Eorzea. While she says she works as a mercenary in her spare time and it isn't all false, her true profession is one of a ruthless voidhunter, using her own tainted bloodline to cleanse the world of the creatures, hoping to discover more about her foggy past in the process.

Art credit to Hamsterfeet!

Full Name:
Gemini Weistera
Gem, Weiss, Ice Queen
24th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon (12/24)
Marital Status:
Common, Elezen
Lawful Evil

At First Glance:

  • Taciturn: When talking (or being spoken to, rather) Gemini doesn't say much and prefers to keep things short, honest, and to the point. It's both equally appreciated and frustrating at times.

  • Sharp-eyed: At nearly all times, Gem is ever watchful with an intense look in her eye, some say it's akin to a wolf stalking its next meal.

  • Trained: It's not hard to tell that Gem keeps in shape with a strict body image and nearly as strict diet.

  • Voidsense: Being a prestigious voidhunter and one with tainted blood, she's sensitive to void energies. They reek like the stench of garbage and make her skin crawl.

  • Bastard: Upon closer inspection, one can see that Gem looks and carries herself a bit differently than most Eorzeans. The reasoning is due to her being half-Garlean.

RP Hooks & General Info

Gemini moves from place to place rather often, knowing that the threat of voidsent exists nearly everywhere and hunts them with near bestial ferocity. Though she can be found frequenting her home of Ishgard and seldom Ul'dah.

  • If you've got any job concerning voidsent, Gem will take it up with haste. Regardless of the price being paid, she gets the job done and doesn't haggle.

  • Though her skill in battle is her most shining feature, Gemini is a skilled detective as well. Need someone or something looked into or tracked down? She's your girl.

  • Though she wasn't in the Empire all her life, she did reside within the iron walls for a portion of her life. Perhaps you've seen her around--or possibly an old friend?

  • Perhaps you've seen her fight or heard tales of her ruthless aggression. If you ask, there's a chance that she might take it upon herself to train you.

  • Rumor has it that she's commonly seen hanging about with a snow-haired knight. Maybe you know them, or you're curious about what they could be up to.

  • After jobs or long days, the woman can be found unwinding at a bar or out in the open at a scenic location. A perfect opportunity to get to know her, or make the attempt to.

Rumors and Sayings

There are more than a few rumors that surround Gemini, maybe you know a couple? More RP hooks can be found below.

Common rumors are easily overheard or are public knowledge. Uncommon rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use. Rare rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or exaggerated. Please feel free to let me know if you'd like to add your own rumors.




❆ "Rarely seen without that greatsword on her back. She's more of a knight than some of the ones who claim to be."❆ "Always seen around with a knight and a noble. The three seem to be good friends."❆ "It doesn't matter who you are. Go after her romantically and she'll shut you down instantly."❆ "She takes her training seriously. You can always catch her during her routine early in the morning in practically nothing but rags!"

❆ "That greatsword isn't just for show. She's murdered man and beast alike out in the snow if they so much looked at her wrong..."❆ "She's half-Garlean, right? I think she's still got connections in the Empire. She might be a spy..."❆ "She's tight-lipped and for little to no reasons at all. She's got something she's trying to hide from everyone..."

❆ "Something's not right about her... It's like her eyes and hair shift when she fights sometimes... Just who or what is she...?"
❆ "She wasn't always the way she is... When she disappeared, something or someone did something to her that changed her for the worse."

Player Spoken Rumors

Rumors here can be heard from player characters and a more creative and unique chance to have involvement with other characters aside from Gemini. If your character has something they would like to say about Gemini for the realm to know, send me a /tell in-game or message me on discord about it!

  • WIP


Gemini is a Hyur of 24 cycles, standing at 6 fulms and 1 ilm, weighing about 140 ponzes. Her raven-black hair goes past her shoulders and she always keeps it straightened, seldom her natural wavy look. While attractive with her pale skin, her piercing and icy blue gaze cuts deep into anyone who would she lay her eyes on, making her look more intimidating than she thinks. She wears a small bit of makeup around her eyes, further accentuating their intensity and a dark layer of balm upon full, pursed lips.It's easy to tell that she has a well-defined body and takes her occupation as a voidhunter seriously, with a slightly larger than average chest and hips. Her arms and legs are well-toned and surprisingly enough, she sports no scars along her body.While proficient in multiple martial weapons and even healing to a degree, Gemini's preferred weapon of choice are greatswords. Her unorthodox fighting style combined with her mastery of using momentum from each swing to empower the next makes her the bane of voidsent, or anybody brave or foolish enough to fight her.

Hair Color:
Raven Black
Eye Color:
Ice Blue
Skin Tone:
Toned, Slightly Curvy
Fair & Cold
Guarded & Lofty
None whatsoever

Art by Vyruskt

Known Relationships

Relationship Key

(Click the images to learn more!)

♥ Romantic Relationship
♧ Sexual Relations
❣ Crush
⁂ Family
★ Trusted Friend
✔ Business
⧖ Lost contact

☠ Deceased
✘ Betrayed
☮ Positive
☢ Negative
● Neutral
≈ Confusing Feelings

Caoimhe Morning
Gemini's childhood friend. While the midlander's friendliness rides the border of frantic adoration, Gemini values it along with her skill in battle, though it may not seem like it from their interactions. It's thanks to her that Gemini is able to succeed on some of her more vigorous missions, all while adding... Excitement, she supposes.

Sherry Polnareff

An Au Ra woman that Gemini came across recently, the former wanting to discuss business of an interesting venture. The hyur has no idea of what she's about to get herself into, but only knows that the raen is key. And serious about her offer.

Primrose Devereux
A childhood friend of Gemini. While these clash of personalities wouldn't make a likely pair, the two get along due to their rank and the fact that Gem allows the midlander to truly let loose and be free from her many desperate suitors. It's thanks to her that Gem is allowed to truly go wild in fights, the two even resonating quite often with their sadistic tendencies...

OOC Information!

Howdy there. My name is Jay (he/him)! I'm a 21+ y/o roleplayer that's been playing the game for a little more than a year now, but have extensive roleplay experience from other sites. While I'm not all too picky about RP, my preferences are adventure, mature, romance, and light/normal, mystery/noir, dark (in moderation) And while I don't mind how long plot lengths are, I do prefer longer ones. I don't dive into super heavy dark things often, but I'm also not adverse to them. If you think our rp might go down that direction, just let me know ahead of time so I can plan accordingly. You can catch me on Balmung from about 8PM to 2AM. (EST)

Roleplay Preferences

I will:
Combat RP, One-shots, Long-term, Drama/Mystery plots. Light, Medium, goals/feeling-driven plots. Romance+Sexual Tension. Temporary injury/incapacitation of mind and body. Temporary captivity/imprisonment (Please ask/clarify what you wish to do before hand so I'm aware that it's coming!) . Rivalries, Friendships. I love it when people want to get involved in Raz' story, and vice versa. So please don't be afraid to approach!
I will not:
Allow my character to be killed, or permanently injured or incapacitated unless permission is granted and discussed about beforehand. Allow godmodding. Allow forced/pre-made romances or relationships like familial ties unless asked and agreed upon.
Ask about:
Anything that is dramatic and could have an extremely negative and long-lasting impact on either of our characters. Please ask me about it, including anything about shipping and/or roleplaying relationships that take place in the past! (I'm also okay with multi-shippers and doing AU things.)
If you want to ERP or roleplay more mature themes, please be 18 or older. I won't police you on this but if I find out that you're lying about your age, I will break contact with you.
Adding onto this. If you describe your character with a slur or any other demeaning buzzwords, (Futa, Trap, Femboy, etc.) I'm already a tad suspect.
If you need to contact me you can reach me on my Discord that I give out if requested. If you need me for content, I'm ILevel 530 on my tanks and I'm currently progging E12S. I'm always happy to help and teach. I also have an Omnicrafter/Gatherer alt should you feel lazy or need some assistance.

General Policies
I consider myself a pretty carefree and nonchalant guy, so as long as you're not an asshole or start stalking me or whatever, we'll be gucci for the most part. I don't know every piece of the lore to the nail, so I'm pretty relaxed when it comes to fucking around with it as long as you're not full-on breaking it or changing super vital points in the story, and as long as you can explain and reason it out. If at any point at all you need to talk to me about the health of our roleplay, PLEASE message me. I hate losing partners and I genuinely want a good experience for both of us.
ERP/Romance: While some of my characters don't mind a quick fling to hold themselves over, I usually like pairings to get to know each other over time and falling for each other for their positive traits and a mutual liking towards one another. OOC planned romances can be arranged in some circumstances, but it's something I only do with people I already know, for the most part. You'll also be able to find me working at some venues here and there. If you use that time to have my characters for intimate purposes please abide by the "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." mindset. I'm not all too interested in incorporating chance flings into my canons unless discussed.Combat/Injury: I don't mind roll or emote battles. All that I ask is that there's no godmodding and that we both accept the consequences of fighting.IC ≠ OOC: I don't subscribe to the idea that the player does not control the character. I view characters as a writer's tools. While IC sentiments do not reflect OOC sentiments or vice-versa, I don't believe that, "It's just what my character would do,” is an acceptable excuse for breaking rules of courtesy (consent, etc.) or failing to communicate OOCly. Ultimately, the writer is responsible for the actions of their character, ICly or OOCly, as the character themselves have no agency. {Wording borrowed from Vee}

Template for this Carrd was kindly provided by Lucille Levenson! and Odtuya Himaa Thank you so much for letting me use your template and helping me get my foot in the door with roleplaying in FFXIV!

(Click on each image to be linked to the artists.)

Character Themes

Here are a couple of songs I listen to quite frequently whenever I write about Gem. I'm hoping you'll take a listen as well and try and figure out the type of vibe/direction I'm trying to take her. Please enjoy and let me know if you have any suggestions!